Spinal Injections
PRP/Growth Factor Epidural Injection is a form of Platelet Rich Plasma in which the growth factors in the platelets are released. In this way, spinal procedures can be performed without the harmful effects of high dose steroids. PRP/Growth Factor Epidurals, Facet and Sacroiliac Joint Injections are otherwise performed in the same manner as standard epidural and other spinal injections.
How it Works
An Epidural Injection is a procedure where a medication is injected into the epidural space in the spine to treat pain, which is caused by the irritation of the spinal nerves. Epidural injections are given for the relief of arm, leg, neck or lower back pain from nerve irritation or damage (“pinched nerve”) resulting from problems such as shingles, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, or failed back surgery. A protective covering called the dural sac surrounds the spinal cord and contains spinal fluid that nourishes the spinal cord. The space between the outer surface of the dural sac and the bones of the spinal column is the epidural space. Nerves that go from the spinal cord, through the spinal column and to the body pass through the epidural space. Historically, epidural and other spinal injections have been performed using steroid medications.
The Procedure
A minimally invasive alternative to corticosteroid epidural injections is the use of natural growth factors from the patient’s own body, derived from blood platelets that do not carry the negative side effects of steroids (increased blood sugar, increased blood pressure, loss of bone [osteoporosis], weight gain, etc.). The growth factors help by modulating pain and stimulating healing. The specialized procedure involves a standard venipuncture (blood draw) for on-site processing. The injection procedure to deliver the treatment is performed in the same manner as a standard epidural or other spinal injection (ie facet or sacroiliac joint injections) that uses cortisone/steroid. All procedures are performed using current standards, guidelines, and techniques (ie guidance such as x-ray/fluoroscopy) along with full safety and sterile precautions.
Healing Process
The time frame for experiencing results from Spinal Injections is entirely dependent upon the area of the patient’s injury as well as the extent of it. Epidural injections have been performed on hundreds of thousands of people with the main risks being from the injected cortisone. This procedure is technically the same, but without cortisone, which is replaced by one’s own growth factors. The efficacy has been found to be as good as if not superior to the standard spinal injections using corticosteroids.
These procedures have now been performed on thousands of patients without any significant adverse reactions. PRP/Growth Factor Epidural, Facet and Sacroiliac Injections are given for the relief of arm or leg and neck or lower back pain from nerve irritation or damage (“pinched nerve”) resulting from problems such as shingles, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis, or failed back surgery.